Tuesday, December 31, 2013

13 Things 2013 Taught Me

This year has been one big roller coaster ride. There were low lows and high highs. Moments I never wanted to end and others that couldn't end fast enough. Things happened I never would have even dreamed of and things I wish never had. But none the less this was one of the most unforgettable and amazing year of my life and this is 13 things 2013 taught me...

1. Failure doesn't actually exist.. I know thats like cliché and shit but really as long as you're trying you aren't really failing. There are so many people who live under their little rocks because they are so afraid of failing but in reality if anyone is failing it's them. They aren't even giving themselves a shot.

2. Independent films are the best films! First of all they are always so raw and I love that. Secondly there are a ton of them on Netflix and I appreciate that. And lastly they aren't the movies everyone drools over for being so amazing so you feel kinda special for getting to experience them, like that film is your marvelous little secret.

3. Hair does in fact take like for fucking ever to grow back. I cut my hair off on the philosophy that hair grows back.. And technically I wasn't wrong, it just takes like five-ever. But what ever Mike is an awesome nickname.

4. Nebraska isn't such a bad place. Yea theres nothing to do and I'd rather shot myself than drive across the state, but other than that it is actually an awesome place. There is an endless supply of extremely nice people. The perfect amount of playgrounds and lakes for endless summer fun. And ice skating rinks and sledding hills for the winter. Honestly the people who complain about Nebraska being boring just simply aren't hanging out with the right people.

5. Thrift store, antique malls and goodwills are a privilege. There are countries out there lacking this awesome wonderland of other peoples trash. Ever need an ugly sweater or dress or a walker or a Polaroid camera or old jewelry and watches? Your local goodwill, thrift store and antique outlet are there to serve you. You lucky bastard.

6. Despite popular belief drunk drivers are in fact relatively smart... Well sort of. I first handily learned that they are in fact smart enough to drive away from a car crash. So they aren't THAT stupid. (RIP Betty)

7. The grass is whatever color you want it to be. The whole "the grass is always greener on the other side" is total bullshit! It's your life so why not see the grass as green on the side you're on currently and then just not worrying about the other side?!

8. Being a lifeguard is the most over glamorized job EVER! You literally sit in a chair and watch water. Like I can watch water where ever and when ever I want. I mean yes it is important so people don't drown and stuff but most days you just sit there in your chair and contemplate life.

9. Never take a Mexican's sour gummy worms. She will call you a slut and then there will, most likely, be some fight about you being a jew and her having diabetes and the whole thing will just be one big mess. So best case scenario follow this one rule: "finger weg von sour gummy worms." 

10. The US knows where you are. Ever since I have arrived in Germany I have been getting random emails from the US embassy in Germany telling me when there are going to riots in certain cities or other things the government would appreciate if I would avoid.  

11. Heelys are not as easy to use as you may have thought. They take a lot of practice and concentration to be able to properly use. But nonetheless are not lacking in the swag department. 

12. Always expect the unexpected. You never know what is going to happen a minute from now or an hour or a day or week or month. The people you thought would always be there won't be and the people you never expect will mean the world to you. You may end up being an exchange student or maybe you'll get knocked up.. (i'm not prego that was just an example)

13. Phrases such as "swag" and "YOLO" are the only good excuses for doing anything. Like "YOLO threw an egg at a cop car." Or "I moved half way across the world for swag!" If YOLO or swag aren't your main reasons for making any kind of decision then I don't know if I can trust you.

Thanks to all my friends and family for an awesome year. It truly was a pleasure.

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