Friday, December 20, 2013

It's Starting To Feel Not Like Christmas

It's unavoidable, unexplainable and irreplaceable. Christmas time in the good old USA. Despite of anyone's religious views when December hits in America it hits hard. Every yard and house in the country is lit up with tiny bulbs of Christmas lights and fake deer and blow up Santa's and every front door has a wreath. Classrooms in public schools, which aren't supposed to advertise one religion over another, have decorating competitions or at the least put lights around the marker board. Every radio and TV show is themed to the season and no one would dare walk out the front door without a classic ugly christmas sweater on.

While a short 5,000 miles away, or a 7 hour plane ride, in Germany they have Weihnactmarkts. A beautiful and classic representation of Christmas. Twenty or so wooden individual booths lined with lights and filled with food and trinkets, or Gluhwein, which is a wine that is heated up and then has rum soaked sugar melted into it.
A Weihnachtmarkt in Stuttgart.


But even as amazingly wonderful as the Weihnachtmarkts are Germany would likely upset any good and true American for one precise reason: 

If this doesn't upset you then I am not sure about you as a person. The one, the only and truly the greatest Christmas film ever made is absent in the lives of the millions of helpless souls of Germany. This is such a heartbreaking reality. To any Germans reading this, it's not your fault. There is still hope.
Here is the trailer..

IF this movie is in Germany dear lord baby jesus SOMEONE SHOW ME!


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