Tuesday, December 31, 2013

13 Things 2013 Taught Me

This year has been one big roller coaster ride. There were low lows and high highs. Moments I never wanted to end and others that couldn't end fast enough. Things happened I never would have even dreamed of and things I wish never had. But none the less this was one of the most unforgettable and amazing year of my life and this is 13 things 2013 taught me...

1. Failure doesn't actually exist.. I know thats like cliché and shit but really as long as you're trying you aren't really failing. There are so many people who live under their little rocks because they are so afraid of failing but in reality if anyone is failing it's them. They aren't even giving themselves a shot.

2. Independent films are the best films! First of all they are always so raw and I love that. Secondly there are a ton of them on Netflix and I appreciate that. And lastly they aren't the movies everyone drools over for being so amazing so you feel kinda special for getting to experience them, like that film is your marvelous little secret.

3. Hair does in fact take like for fucking ever to grow back. I cut my hair off on the philosophy that hair grows back.. And technically I wasn't wrong, it just takes like five-ever. But what ever Mike is an awesome nickname.

4. Nebraska isn't such a bad place. Yea theres nothing to do and I'd rather shot myself than drive across the state, but other than that it is actually an awesome place. There is an endless supply of extremely nice people. The perfect amount of playgrounds and lakes for endless summer fun. And ice skating rinks and sledding hills for the winter. Honestly the people who complain about Nebraska being boring just simply aren't hanging out with the right people.

5. Thrift store, antique malls and goodwills are a privilege. There are countries out there lacking this awesome wonderland of other peoples trash. Ever need an ugly sweater or dress or a walker or a Polaroid camera or old jewelry and watches? Your local goodwill, thrift store and antique outlet are there to serve you. You lucky bastard.

6. Despite popular belief drunk drivers are in fact relatively smart... Well sort of. I first handily learned that they are in fact smart enough to drive away from a car crash. So they aren't THAT stupid. (RIP Betty)

7. The grass is whatever color you want it to be. The whole "the grass is always greener on the other side" is total bullshit! It's your life so why not see the grass as green on the side you're on currently and then just not worrying about the other side?!

8. Being a lifeguard is the most over glamorized job EVER! You literally sit in a chair and watch water. Like I can watch water where ever and when ever I want. I mean yes it is important so people don't drown and stuff but most days you just sit there in your chair and contemplate life.

9. Never take a Mexican's sour gummy worms. She will call you a slut and then there will, most likely, be some fight about you being a jew and her having diabetes and the whole thing will just be one big mess. So best case scenario follow this one rule: "finger weg von sour gummy worms." 

10. The US knows where you are. Ever since I have arrived in Germany I have been getting random emails from the US embassy in Germany telling me when there are going to riots in certain cities or other things the government would appreciate if I would avoid.  

11. Heelys are not as easy to use as you may have thought. They take a lot of practice and concentration to be able to properly use. But nonetheless are not lacking in the swag department. 

12. Always expect the unexpected. You never know what is going to happen a minute from now or an hour or a day or week or month. The people you thought would always be there won't be and the people you never expect will mean the world to you. You may end up being an exchange student or maybe you'll get knocked up.. (i'm not prego that was just an example)

13. Phrases such as "swag" and "YOLO" are the only good excuses for doing anything. Like "YOLO threw an egg at a cop car." Or "I moved half way across the world for swag!" If YOLO or swag aren't your main reasons for making any kind of decision then I don't know if I can trust you.

Thanks to all my friends and family for an awesome year. It truly was a pleasure.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I Didn't Know How Lucky I Was

Come now you troubled child, see this here? This is a gift, this life, these people, those places. Some only have this in their dreams, some haven't an idea enough of it to have in their dreams, but you, you have it. A family, and friends, and a home, two homes, and food, materialistic items, clothes, and freedom.

I didn't know how lucky I was, how lucky I am. I have a mom and a dad and an amazingly difficult brother and grandparents who love me. A host family most people wish they had and friends no one could ever replace.

My mom, as annoying as I like to believe she is, she is the one person in the world who I can always count on to be there. No matter how rude I am she never gives up on me. She never gives up. And my dad he's always been there for me no matter what. He has never seen one of my failures as a fail. He has pushed me to be a better runner, and a better person. When I thought he'd love me less he loved me more. My parents have literally giving me everything and asked nothing in return. They will and always have stood by me.

Brett, as obnoxious and unmanageable as he is has taught me more than any math, chemistry or english teacher could. He taught me it is okay to be exactly who you are, no matter what anyone says, or thinks. He told me what real friends are made of. Tried to teach me how to dance and showed me what a rough patch was and I know if he can make it through so can I. And he created my appreciation for good music and art.

My Grandpa. Some of you may not know this but my Grandpa is my best friend. Since day one. He like my father has always been there to support me and cheer me on through life. When I had no one to fall back on I had him and I will forever be thankful for that. (P.S. I wish you came back from Texas for me too.) And my Grandma. The nicest and sweetest lady any person could ever meet in their entire life. Always looking out for everyone and everything. And one of the best cooks I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

I know it's only been 107 days since they have come into my life but my host family deserves some credit. They've taken me in, and given me a place to call home. Helped me adopt to a new culture and continue to support my battle with a foreign language. But most importantly they put up with me, and thank god for that.

And lastly my amazingly wonderful and obnoxious friends. Both in America and here. First my Americans, I love and miss you. I am so lucky to have all of them as friends, I travelled half way around the world and they didn't even think twice about keeping me as a friend. They've supported me and kept me sane. Especially Connor and Haley, Prod and John. To my friends here: I know there are only a few of them; thank you so much for giving me a chance.

Being away and looking back and looking forward and looking at the present things are a lot more clear. Not everyone has this. And some people deserve it way more than I do.

Look child, look at this, look how lucky you are. This is a gift.

Merry Christmas. Fröhe Weihnachts.

Friday, December 20, 2013

It's Starting To Feel Not Like Christmas

It's unavoidable, unexplainable and irreplaceable. Christmas time in the good old USA. Despite of anyone's religious views when December hits in America it hits hard. Every yard and house in the country is lit up with tiny bulbs of Christmas lights and fake deer and blow up Santa's and every front door has a wreath. Classrooms in public schools, which aren't supposed to advertise one religion over another, have decorating competitions or at the least put lights around the marker board. Every radio and TV show is themed to the season and no one would dare walk out the front door without a classic ugly christmas sweater on.

While a short 5,000 miles away, or a 7 hour plane ride, in Germany they have Weihnactmarkts. A beautiful and classic representation of Christmas. Twenty or so wooden individual booths lined with lights and filled with food and trinkets, or Gluhwein, which is a wine that is heated up and then has rum soaked sugar melted into it.
A Weihnachtmarkt in Stuttgart.


But even as amazingly wonderful as the Weihnachtmarkts are Germany would likely upset any good and true American for one precise reason: 

If this doesn't upset you then I am not sure about you as a person. The one, the only and truly the greatest Christmas film ever made is absent in the lives of the millions of helpless souls of Germany. This is such a heartbreaking reality. To any Germans reading this, it's not your fault. There is still hope.
Here is the trailer..

IF this movie is in Germany dear lord baby jesus SOMEONE SHOW ME!


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

100 Things About Me On My 100th Day

In light of my hundredth day as an exchange student I decided I would give this list thing another go. Here are 100 things about me. (You may or may not already know.)

1. My name is Shelbi.
2. I was named after a town in Nebraska my dad played basketball in.. Not the car. 
3. I graduated from Gretna high school in 2013.
4. My favorite color is blue. 
5. I'm 18 years old.
6. My favorite animal is an elephant.
7. I learned how to drive in my dad's truck when I was 14.
8. I hosted a Norwegian exchange student named June when I was a sophomore. She's basically a sister to me now.
9. I've been on two continents. North America and Europe.
10. And in five different countries. USA, Canada, Mexico, Norway and Germany. In that order too.
11. And lived in two different countries on two different continents.
12. The highest score I got on my ACT was a 25.
13. I have two tattoos. "To thine own self be true" on my left shoulder and a skeleton key on my right side.
14. And ten piercings. Eight of them are in my ears, then my nose and belly button.
15. I've never actually shot a real gun before. How un-American of me!
16. I know how to knit.
17. I used to check my parents receipts around Christmas time so I would know what my presents were.
18. The first rated R movie I ever watched was "Silence of the Lamb."
19. I got into a hit and run accident last summer. It totaled my car. RIP Betty.
20. I had ear tubes twice when I was a kid, and when I went to get my ears checked before kindergarten they thought I was deaf. I just had bad listening skills.
21. I laugh at pretty much anything and everything, and especially for some reason when people are being bluntly mean to me.
22. The first time I drank alcohol and got drunk was on the Forth of July after my freshman year of high school.
23. I have only moved two times in my life. Once when I moved from Lincoln to Gretna and the other when I moved from Gretna to Germany.
24. On my seventh birthday I tried to put wood chips into the key holes of the mailbox cause I thought it would unlock.
25. I went to my freshman year homecoming completely alone... Like not even with friends.
26. When I played for Millard Soccer I used to purposely run slower during practice so the coach would make me run more.
27. I don't know how to drive a stick shift.
28. I was born in Lincoln, Nebraska.
29. I lost my last baby tooth when I was a freshman in high school, so 14 years old. They had to pull it too.
30. I only ever read one assigned book in high school. It was The Catcher In The Rye. If you haven't read that book I suggest you do, it's brilliant.
31. I can ride my bike with my handle bars, no handle bars.
32. I am a certified Lifeguard.
33. I used a fanny pack as a backpack for my whole junior year of high school.
34. I have had three pet rats in my life. They are the best pets.. Other than dogs of course.
35. There are 4033 songs in my music library on iTunes.
36. I used to have to take special reading classes because they thought I was dyslexic.
37. I found out that my brother was gay on fathers day after my freshman year because I was creeping on his MySpace page. I then proceeded to research information on being gay.
38. My favorite food in Velveta Shells and Cheese.
39. Me and my best friend Haley eat gummy worms in a specific order. Yellow and red then green and orange then blue and pink. If you don't eat them in this order we can't be friends and Haley will call you a slut.
40. I had my first kiss when I was 15. It was in my basement in the middle of the night, me and my old best friend Meghan snuck him and a friend into my basement to watch a movie.
41. When I was really little I collected Pokemon cards because I wanted to be just like my brother.
42. I met my all time best friend, Sam, when I was in third grade. We don't hang out as much as we used too, but we love each other all the same.
43. Me and Sam kept a toad in our locker at school in fifth grade.
44. In kindergarten my mom cut my hair into a bull cut because I sucked on the ends of my hair.
45. My first car was a 2001 Oldsmobile Alero.
46. I started running track and cross country when I was in fifth grade.
47. I don't believe in God. Sometimes I still pray though.
48. I got arrested when I was 15 for stealing garage sale signs in a neighborhood. We got cornered in a circle and they called the cops. The male cop that came was hot and my charges got dropped so I'm not bitter.
49. I've dyed my hair almost every natural color in the book.
50. I'm an 18 year old virgin.
51. I have a strange obsession with vintage/ antique watches.
52. I take the pens at restaurants after I sign my receipt.
53. In sixth grade my brother found out I got a number from a boy so I told my parents I wasn't comfortable living with him anymore cause I thought he was going to tell on me and I'd get into trouble.
54. Me and my old neighbor in Lincoln used to play "Marriage" in my basement and one time we actually kissed. We were both four so I don't count it as my first.
55. Am an exchange student through an organization called AFS.
56. I have never gotten a speeding ticket.
57. I was a Hollister "Model" for a year. That is their word for a sales assistant.
58. I competed in two state cross country competitions while in high school.
59. I once drunkenly fell into a hole in the ground. After that I was forever known as "The Girl Who Fell in the Hole."
60. I know how to wake board and water ski. I can't do any tricks but I can go over wakes and get up.
61. I once got caught TPing this girls house. Her dad like chased me down and grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go... I forgot about the handy dandy knee to groin thing. Oh well!
62. I got a Minor In Possession at my junior year prom. I blew a .01, and had to be on diversion for six months.
63. I don't know how to cook without a microwave.
64. My favorite movie of all time is Totoro. Although it did give me false expectations of what public transportation would be like.
65. I've smoked a cigarette before.
66. Last summer I would tell my mom I was staying the night at a friends house and stay at the 369 instead.. She never found out. If you don't know what the 369 is that is too bad.
67. I went streaking once. It was in the middle of the night no one saw. No shame.
68. I have athletic induced asthma. Which means that I have to take my inhaler when I exercise.
69. I've gone to Disney World twice.
70. I purposely broke my old phone so I could get an iPhone 4s.
71. I broke my arm rollerblading when I was in second grade. Rollerblading still scares me today.
72. I played with Barbies and Bratz dolls until I was in sixth grade. I always hid it though. I don't think my parents even knew I still got them out.
73. I shamefully have two cavities.
74. Milk is my favorite drink ever!
75. I once went to Wal-Mart at 3AM and rode the electric wheel chairs around the store with a friend for an hour until we got kicked out.
76. I have a problem with thinking I have diseases that I don't actually have. I once thought I had turret's.
77. I have a weird obsession for things that have mango or coconut flavoring.
78. I once gave my friend a back massage so he would pee so that we could have a serious conversation. I was not sober.
79. I hate almost all breakfast foods. Including eggs, bacon, and pancakes.
80. If I ever have kids I'm getting their names off of random people's head stones in a cemetery. I just like old names.
81. I refer to the person I was before my exchange year as my "pre-deparutre self."
82. My friend, Ben and I have a disposable camera that we only take pictures with when we are together.
83. I take pride in making sure that the songs I listen to are not played on the radio.
84. I miss having ice in my drinks more than anything else.
85. I keep all of my good friends birthdays saved in my phone so that I won't forget.
86. I once went to a frat party and a kid legit thought that my name was "Fresh as Hell." If that were true I would have some serious issues.
87. I like mimicking people's voices. Sometimes I even start talking like them if I like they way they talk enough. It makes it easier to sound German sometimes if I do.
88. I am the youngest sibling in my direct family by three years and five days.
89. I used to think that my brother pushed me out of the way when he was born.
90. I like being friends with the "weird" kids more sometimes. They always seem to know whats up!
91. I used to hate Nebraska, until I came to Germany and now I have so much Nebraskan pride.
92. I'm pee shy.
93. Valhalla Resort in Minnesota is my favorite place in the world.
94. My friends started referring to me as Mike after I cut my hair off. If you call me that I probably won't get mad. It doesn't bother me anymore.
95. I really enjoy leisure reading.
96. I like collecting invaluable objects so I can remember where I've been. They're priceless.
97. I think that my hair is my best visible quality.
98. I worry everyday that people back home don't miss me.
99. I want to learn German fluently.
100. I have lived in Germany for 100 days. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

20 Things Every American Should Know Before An Exchange Year In Germany

I know this isn't what I typically do but YOLO! So here is my list of things I think every American should expect and prepare for before they go on an exchange year in Germany.

1. Despite popular belief just because you go to a European country does not, by any means, mean you will lose weight. In fact you will probably gain weight. Everything will be new especially the food and trust me you are going to want to try everything. But you are an exchange student and changes in weight are just part of the job, don't worry if you gain weight you can always lose it.

2. This may seem obvious to some people but learning a new language is never easy and just because you live with it does not mean it will come easily or fast. You have to want to learn German and then do something about it.

3. You are going to be thousands of miles away from home. Things will happen at home you have no control over. You will get homesick. Sometimes when you least expect it. Don't worry it's normal.

4. No one feels bad for you. Not the people back home. Not the people here. This year is not easy, communication isn't always good because of language barriers, and it takes time to make friends and you will miss home. You are an exchange student getting to live in another country for a whole year. You chose to take this year, remember that.

5. Ignorance is bliss and most likely not socially acceptable.

6. Never take the fact that there is ice in your drink for granted. There are suffering parts of the world who haven't discovered this concept yet.

7. Don't be shocked when you find out that you might actually like country music after all. It'll make you feel American when you're thousands of miles away from anything American. Also non-Americans are not allowed to like country music.

8. Spend time with your real parents before you leave. No matter how awesome your host parents are you will miss your natural parents. I know this may be hard to believe but trust me it will happen. They are the only people in the world who love you unconditionally and you are going to miss that being so readily available.

9. You are going to fall in love with the place and not even realize it. Even if you do not fall in love with the people or the food or anything else. The place will take you over and trust me you'll fall in love with that.

10. Befriend other exchange students. Regardless of which country they come from or their location in Germany. They will become your best support system. They know exactly what you are going through because there experiencing it too. Plus they're awesome. (Love you itty bitty titty comitee)

11. There will be boobs on the television.

12. Before you depart drink all the root beer and eat all the steak, mac and cheese and fish. Or other foods you really love. Germany won't have the same menu as you're used to and you'll miss American food.

13. They will play bad rap songs in the clubs. Such as Bubble Butt. This should embarrass you.

14. People generally won't care that you are an exchange student or that you are from America. It's not the same as back home, trust me. Everyone in America always wants to at least know the foreigner, but they don't have these same feelings.

15. Mineral water is not all that bad. It will take a good 2 or 3 months to get used to but you will learn to like it. But be careful it will make you gassy, from both ends. Prepare accordingly.

16. People will speak english to you because they think they are being nice. DON'T LET THEM. You are here to learn their language and you won't if you are speaking english all the time.

17. For such an environmentally cautious country Germany is really lacking in fresh air. Almost everyone smokes and second hand smoke is unavoidable. Get used to it.

18. Europeans don't always knock before they open doors. Keep this in mind and learn to use the locks on the doors.

19. They listen to the song Thrift Shop but don't be fooled they by no means "pop tags."

20. Make this the best year of your life. You only have one chance to live this year. Don't just exist, and make it one you'll never regret.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chocolate Errythang

So it's been a minute so let me ketchup.. That was a food pun LAUGH! I had SUSHI AND DR. PEPPER the other day, we had our first snow, no new friends no no no. 
Anyways me and a few select AFS girls and my host parents and my host sister and her boy friend thingy went to a chocolate market this past weekend. It was in Tübingen. Much chocolate, many people, lots eat. Almost every stand was willing to "share" a piece of their products with us, which tickled my fancy because I could try everything and save my money hehehehehe. They had chocolate beer, chocolate sausage, hemp chocolate, spicy chocolate, lime chocolate, you name it them bitches'll pull out of their asses. 

ALSO IN MY NEXT POST I HAVE BIG NEWS TO SHARE WITH ALL OF YOU! So stay tuned or not its whatever. I only sort of care......

AFS (another fat student) lawlz fat joke

A river in Tübingen! My host mom told me the name but honestly. No idea.

Chocolate cell phones and shoes and fishies and such.

Skeleton heads... GUESS WHAT!? It's made of fucking chocolate!

KEYS! I bought one for my best friend because we have matching tattoos on our side of a key similar to those. #twerkforxander But it broke on the way home so thats a bummer.

More of the things that are chocolate.

Don't know why this is relevant but it's mother fucking chocolate.

I'm totally kidding I'm one of them hehe.

They are making some sort of conCOCKtion out of chocolate although I am not sure what..... Did you catch that pun?! HUH!? LAUGH BITCH


OMGOMGOMG That is bananas and strawberries under there so technically this is healthy right?!